Max Stunner

Full Name: Maximill Stunner-Adams
Age: 17
Birthday: June 14th
Height: 5'9"
Species: Android
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Element: Tech
Ethnicity: Leaveran-Brawish

Max is the leader of Team M.A.R.S.

While seemingly having no functional elemental key, Max was able to make add-ons that allow him to run just as if not faster than Leo and Lea. Fueled by the loss of Lea, Max is not convinced that she’s truly gone, going against his better judgment and joining the Ace Elites to uncover the truth. While initially very reserved and self centered, Max quickly learned the value of trusting in others when chosen as the leader for Team M.A.R.S. Now using his smarts to lead his team, Max hopes one day he can bring Lea back, and stop those responsible for her disappearance and cover up.

A 2D action shot of Max charging towards the user.